With the weather still not good, we have enjoyed the day surfing and getting washing done. Lots of rain unfortunately. In rain and without transport, we have decided to go to the yacht club for dinner again, a bit of a favourate.
Day 11 - 19 April 2017 - Mooloolaba surfing and shopping
With the seas and wind a little bit rough for a pleasant journey, we have decided to take the opportunity to walk around Mooloolaba and have a shop and surf.
The beach with great safe clean waves are a short walk across the road. We were also able to simply walk the 2 kms up the beach to the shops behind the main beach.
We enjoyed a beautiful lunch at one of the small restaurants on the boardwalk (Thai) and we also used the opportunity to get fresh bread and milk.
Apart from a couple of rain showers, the weather is beautiful, and it was difficult to get the kids to leave the surf in the afternoon (we didn't want to go either).
We had a lovely relaxing dinner at the yacht club and only a few other couples were there. Kids ran off to the kids play room which was next to the restaurant.
We topped off the fuel and water ready for the next leg. Another surf looks on the cards tomorrow however as the weather is not expected to improve for a couple of days (Seas 2-3m and wind gusting 25knots+).
Day 10 - 18 April 2017 - The journey to Mooloolaba
Rising early we were able to catch the low tide as we headed out the Gold Coast Seaway and logged in with Seaway tower for our journey up the coast. The waves were small across the bar and we had little trouble apart from dodging several fishing boats and pleasure craft. This time Daddy chose the 'correct side' of the Cardinal mark in the middle of the sea way (which we had not seen on the way into the Gold Coast two days earlier, a new buoy from his memories 20 years previously, and it was only noticed on our way in in the dark after we got a nasty surprise with a low water alarm with water falling to only 1m under the keel at the time). No alarms this time, so the journey was off to a good start.
We had a great time relaxing and catching up with Family on the Gold Coast, and we were all sad to leave.
After meeting a lovely couple at the Marina, our original plans to travel outside South and North Stradbroke Islands around the top of Moreton Island and hanging a left to anchor behind Moreton Island, we decided instead to head on past Moreton Island on to Mooloolaba.
Dolphins were spotted off the tip of North Stradbroke Island. YAY! Makes dolphins spotted every day offshore so far.
We were able to put up the sails for a lovely trip and we also raised the Gennaker (an asymmetric spinnaker) off Moreton Island and it looked wonderful (and added a few knots to our speed). We were able to drop the sail without putting it into the drink as well, no small feat!
A beautiful sunset once again and night fell as we rounded Moreton Island on the way to Mooloolaba. We enjoyed a steady rolling trip (but no-one was sick). After a few calls to Coast Guard Mooloolaba to log off, we entered Mooloolaba at approx. 9.30pm and tied up (with help from a neighbouring sailer who was on the dock).
Day 9 - 17 April 2017 - Relaxing on the Gold Coast
Today was spent relaxing on the Gold Coast catching up with Family. We refueled the yacht with Diesel and water ready for our next departure.
Days 7 & 8 - 15 and 16 April 2017 - Yamba to the Gold Coast
After a good rest we had to wait for high tide to ensure a safe crossing to the yamba Marina to top off our fuel tanks. William, Nicholas and Jasmine took the opportunity to lower the inflatable and ducked into Iluka to get some bread. Iluka is a beautiful little town with great camp sites / cabins down on the water with families and kids all relaxing having a swim and playing.
We motored across to Yamba at high tide and filled our Diesel tanks and our jerry cans. Kids enjoyed an ice-cream. On the way out of Yamba, after logging on with Marine Rescue, we spotted Dolphins in the entrance. That makes dolphin sightings every day so far on the trip.
Another long day sailing and motoring towards the Gold Coast. In the afternoon, William put out a trolling line for a bit of fun (we don't really have room to keep anything at this stage). We caught a beautiful Mahi Mahi which was approx. 50-60cm long. After a few photos, we released it to grow bigger. Kids were extremely excited and we spent a bit of time looking up the fish as it was the first Mahi Mahi we had caught before. We expect to get a lot of fish once we are further up in Queensland and have the time to properly prepare and cook them.
Another long evening and early morning followed. We passed Cape Byron (Byron Bay) and hit a very strong current (3-4knots) which significantly slowed us down. With no wind and full revs on the engine, it was difficult to make any forward way and only by carefully watching the lights on the coast for movement was it possible to confirm forward movement. Average speed up until now was slightly above 6 knots, but from this point beyond, average speed fell to approx. 5 knots.
The expected 3am (16th April) arrival off the Gold Coast Sea Way became an arrival at 5am with a fleet of small craft leaving in the dark for a day of fishing offshore. There were no berths immediately available so we motored at night up the channel and anchored off the south western edge of South Stradbroke Island until noon. At 12noon on we were able to obtain a spot at the Marina Mirage for 2 nights.
After a quick shower to freshen up, we caught up with family for the afternoon and evening and then back to the yacht for the night.
Day 6 - 14 April 2017 - Quick look into Coffs Harbour and onto Yamba / Iluka
Another day sailing and motoring. Everyone is feeling better now and we appear to have our sea legs. Nicholas has taken to making us lunches which is great. Kids have also taken to lying on our beds watching movies and relaxing at varying stages of the trip.
We saw another pod of dolphins very briefly but they didn't stay with us,... must have realised we don't give them a good feed!
We ducked into Coffs Harbour for a look with the aim of topping up our diesel fuel, but we were unable to make contact with anyone in the marina office and rather than waste any more time, we left the harbor. The seas entering Coffs were quite large and if we had to stay the night, it would not make for a particularly nice or comfortable anchorage. William spotted a turtle as we were leaving the port, unfortunately only Nicholas saw it as well.
We headed on to Yamba and Iluka and arrived after a long day sailing and motoring when the wind dropped, at approx. 11pm. We then carefully found a spot to Anchor on the north side of the river in the Iluka port which is extremely shallow (at low tide we only have 50cm under the keel). We enjoyed a good night's rest after a long few days sailing. Kiddies were fast asleep when we arrived and we had to wake them to get life jackets on as we crossed the bar (entrance into Yamba) for safety.
Day 5 - 13 April 2017 - We depart Nelson bay for Yamba/Iluka
The weather has improved slightly and the wind has dropped (often below 5knots and not above 17 knots). We logged out departure from Nelson Bay with Marine Rescue and a planned 48 hr trip to Yamba/Iluka. The weather report has 1.5 - 2m seas.
We saw a two pods of dolphins on the first day. The first was just north of Nelson Bay and the second was later in the afternoon. The day was beautiful and everyone is feeling a lot better than yesterday. Just a slight sea sickness in the afternoon, but the seas improved and we then took watches over night.
Light meals all day, bread and biscuits as we build our sea legs.
Day 4 - We are off
We departed the dock at 6.34am and left Barrenjoey Heads and past the light house at 7.20am after logging the passage for the first leg to Nelson Bay with Marine Rescue Sydney.
The weather is expected to be 10-20knots of wind with seas of 2m. Actual conditions were quite different. The wind was quite pleasant with gusts up to 25knots but the seas started at 4m with a lot of chop and we then struck ~5m seas with a large amount of chop off Stockton beach north of Newcastle. Everyone was sea sick to varying degrees which was extremely unpleasant.
The highlight was seeing a pod of dolphins just north of Newcastle which stayed with us for about 5 minutes, dancing around the front of the yacht, surfing waves and having a great time. We all throught it was wonderful and the kids were extremely excited.
We arrived in Nelson Bay entrance at 6pm and was on a berth for the night at 6.30pm. After a refreshing shower we all enjoyed a good dinner and off to an early bed. A very big journey tomorrow as we are likely to have to go day night and day non-stop to Yamba/Iluka. We will top off the fuel and water tomorrow morning as we are all extremely tired.
Day 3 - Waiting for weather to improve
We waited on the mooring for the weather to improve. We have managed to get a sim for the onboard router model to give wireless to the whole boat. Sally had to wait 1.5hrs for a cab, but was then able to join us at the Royal Motor Yacht Club where we stayed for dinner and were fortunate to get a berth for the night. Boat is ready to leave.
Day 2 - 10 April 2017 - Waiting for the weather to improve
The weather offshore is expected to improve on Wednesday, so we will wait it out here on the mooring in Pittwater. We have been using the opportunity to check gear and ensure everything is strapped down appropriately. The electrician from Barrenjoey Marine Electrics BME arrived and will try and set up our wireless modem on the yacht. They will be back tomorrow with the Sim card. This will really be helpful to keep this blog up to date and keep in touch with family and friends.
We tried to fill the 150L soft pack fuel tank on deck, but only managed to get 120L in it, this will reduce our range slightly but we should be fine. At a pinch with a reduced speed, we theoretically could motor the whole trip without refueling. Topping up the tanks on the way will however keep extending our range and keep a good buffer in case of bad weather or currents slowing us down.
Monday was William's birthday so we went to the Royal Motor Yacht Club for lunch. Kids watched the old T.V series BlackAdder during the day which they are hooked on. Everyone had a good relaxing time today and we followed up with a cake after dinner. Mummy had hidden the cake ready for the birthday. With no candles we used a lighter which we blew out. Nicholas couldn't help himself and blew the lighter out before Daddy had a chance. Daddy was a bit quicker the second time to beat Nicholas blowing it out. We all then watched a kiddies movie, Jumanji.
If the weather improves on Wed, we should be able to make Nelson Bay in 1 day and top off the fuel tanks, then after a quick refuel in Coffs Harbour, on day and night (taking watches) to Yamba which we should reach on Friday (most likely night). We can then head off after a rest to the Gold Coast on Saturday and arrive either Saturday night or early Sunday if the weather holds. We can then again top off the fuel and water and continue on to the top of Morton Bay off Brisbane/Redcliffe Queensland.
Day 1 - 9 April 2017 - final day loading gear
We loaded our remaining gear on the yacht with help from some friends. The yacht is filled to overflowing with gear and food. We are able to fill the water and fuel tanks and we are now ready to leave. Or ... so we thought.
Weather report this morning, 10 April 2017 has a strong wind warning off the coast. Wind is expected to be strong today Monday and Tuesday. As a result we will have to postpone our departure until Wednesday when the weather is expected to improve. Fingers crossed. We will have to spend today strapping down the scuba tanks on the deck and celebrating William's birthday!
Preparations continue
House is again full of gear and packing materials as we get ready for the trip. We plan a trip out to the yacht tomorrow to load and store gear and food onboard and check the most recent repairs. During a recent trial run with some colleagues from work, one of the aerials was damaged and went over the side. It is unclear how this occurred. This was repaired and we now need to run final tests on all the systems.
We have also had a canvas bag made for the inflatable pool and two stainless steel cages to hold additional gas bottles from the stern arch/railings.
Aim is to head out on Sunday 9 April to do a final run of gear and then stay overnight for an early start on 10 April 2017 for the first leg to Nelson Bay (subject to suitable weather). Weather report is predicting large seas on Monday or Tuesday, so the proposed start on Monday 10 April could be delayed to avoid those estimated 6m seas.
Not long now and we are almost set to go!
The journey begins soon...
1 week until we leave. The yacht is already filling with gear and the lounge from home is also full of equipment and food for the trip. Lots still to do to get ready but we are all excited and it looks like good weather for the start.