Day 2 - 10 April 2017 - Waiting for the weather to improve

The weather offshore is expected to improve on Wednesday, so we will wait it out here on the mooring in Pittwater. We have been using the opportunity to check gear and ensure everything is strapped down appropriately. The electrician from Barrenjoey Marine Electrics BME arrived and will try and set up our wireless modem on the yacht. They will be back tomorrow with the Sim card. This will really be helpful to keep this blog up to date and keep in touch with family and friends.

We tried to fill the 150L soft pack fuel tank on deck, but only managed to get 120L in it, this will reduce our range slightly but we should be fine. At a pinch with a reduced speed, we theoretically could motor the whole trip without refueling. Topping up the tanks on the way will however keep extending our range and keep a good buffer in case of bad weather or currents slowing us down.

Monday was William's birthday so we went to the Royal Motor Yacht Club for lunch. Kids watched the old T.V series BlackAdder during the day which they are hooked on. Everyone had a good relaxing time today and we followed up with a cake after dinner. Mummy had hidden the cake ready for the birthday. With no candles we used a lighter which we blew out. Nicholas couldn't help himself and blew the lighter out before Daddy had a chance. Daddy was a bit quicker the second time to beat Nicholas blowing it out. We all then watched a kiddies movie, Jumanji.

If the weather improves on Wed, we should be able to make Nelson Bay in 1 day and top off the fuel tanks, then after a quick refuel in Coffs Harbour, on day and night (taking watches) to Yamba which we should reach on Friday (most likely night). We can then head off after a rest to the Gold Coast on Saturday and arrive either Saturday night or early Sunday if the weather holds. We can then again top off the fuel and water and continue on to the top of Morton Bay off Brisbane/Redcliffe Queensland.