Kids continued playing today on their games and Daddy, Nicholas, Cooper and Eddie also had a game of soccer on the local beach. Sally and Jasmine went for a walk with our neighbor Cass and their dog (Yindi).
Daddy also caught a cab to the local shops to purchase some water-proofing spray to waterproof one of the older canvas covers which was leaking in the heavy rain and also to purchase a protective cover for his phone.
We filled up the diesel tank and charged the fridge and batteries. With a final top off of the water tomorrow morning we can head off.
Dinner for the kids together tonight and a friendly drink with our neighbor.
Wow, we head out from Airlie Beach for our last time on this holiday (touch wood no other issues and we have good weather) tomorrow. Jasmine's cut seems well healed, and although we kept it dry tonight, she should be able to have a swim tomorrow with the rest of the family.
Plan is to head over to the Western side of Hook Island, do some swimming, snorkeling and fishing. Then on to the north of Hook Island to Butterfly Bay for more of the same (although we can't fish there as it is a sanctuary). Daddy might have a scuba dive as well.
Then we might head over to Cateran Bay which is a small protected bay on the north side of a small island off the Eastern side of Hook Island, then on to Whitehaven beach again. From there we might either have a night at Hamilton, or back to Cid Harbour for a night and then slowly head south to places like Lindeman Island, Shaw Island (which is opposite Lindeman Island) then Goldsmith and finally to Mackay.