Weather report "suggested", I say that because they seem to be quite a bit out, seas of 2m and wind 10-15knots. We headed off, with the aim to do several day and nights to Bundaberg.
Within 5 hours we were in 2-3m rough seas, rain and wind gusting to 27knots and steady over 23knots. Everyone is sea sick to varying degrees and feeling terrible.
We spotted dolphins 3 times today, although they didn't stay around too long, ... probably knew we were so sea sick.
We rounded Double Island Point and anchored in Wide Bay in 5m of water. It is a safe anchorage but as the seas roll around the point, it makes for a terrible spot to anchor. 2m rolling waves come around the point and the yacht is rocking and rolling; although it is some relief, we are all still feeling terrible. We even had out lee cloths up to stop us from falling out of our bunks.
The Bay itself is beautiful and it would be great to come back one day (by land) and have an explore.
We enjoyed the company of another cruiser and fishing boat both waiting for the right tide to cross the bar into the Great Sandy Straits (the passage between the mainland and Fraser Island.